Mrs. Carlisle's Sustainable Wilderness class made bracelets out of parachute cord. The idea is that they wear them, but if they need rope for survival, it can be used.
Grade 10's (and a few other students) attended Ag Days in Brandon on January 21
Hartney School is growing every year, and we have run out of classrooms! We have received a Pod to be used as a classroom. We hope to be able to use it in Term 2.
The Senior Student Council held a Pep Rally on December 20, where they introduced the High School Hockey Players , who then played a floor hockey game against members of the staff. Several grade 7-12 students attended the hockey game later that day.
The Visual Arts Class decorated all the windows
in the school.
Creations from Woods Class
The Grade 7 ELA class recently finished reading the novel ”Refugee” by Alan Gratz. Through the historical fiction novel, the students learned about the challenges many refugees face. In response, they decided to collect items to donate to Westman Immigration Services, who support newcomers and refugees with many services, including settlement services.
They are pictured here with donations collected.
The Grade 6 class presented a short skit at the Winter Concert on December 11
Narrator – Maddison A
Mr. Stooge (principal) – Charlie T
Mrs. Crabshack (Stooge’s assistant) – Cooper P
Tater Tor (Mrs. Crabshack’s son) – Jaxen C
Stink Pot (Stooge’s dog) – Wyatt A
Lovely Lolitta (Stooge’s ex-girlfriend) – Spencer A
Goat of Christmas Past – Alec M
Goat of Christmas Present – Jase Agnew
Goat of Christmas Future – Will D
The Junior Student Council created surprise hot chocolates treats for the grade 1 and 2’s. They were very sneaky and delivered them unseen during recess.
Visual Arts Class
Art Show
Animal Habitats Created by Grade 4 on Display
Grade 6 Planets on Display
Thank you so much for your support of our Scholastic Book Fair. We raised $1,000 of free
books for our school library!
Mrs. Derlago had a draw after Family Night and
the winner of a $25 gift certificate was Neil D.
His classroom, the grade 3’s also got a $25 gift certificate.
The grade 1-7 students all created Lego book characters and the judges chose the following winners:
Gr. 1: Geordie T
Gr 2: Millie C
Gr. 3: Austin W
Gr 4: Owen T
Gr 5: Gabby G
Gr 6: Charlie T
Gr 7: Ryleigh S
Mrs. Derlago also had a jar full of Legos and students had to guess how many were in there (without going over). There were 204 pieces of
Lego and Ben White guessed 201 to win the prize.
Congratulations to Dylan Calverley who won the Sabres Football MVP trophy!
Last volleyball game of the season for the team, and the last game for this year's
graduate, Cambria C.
2 Medical Professionals came to speak to grades 9-12s about careers in the medical field. After listening to all the information, the students had a quick quiz, and Kaylee P was the winner of a cheque for $100!
The grade 9s experimented making the same cookie recipe, except that the butter they used was either cold, melted or room temperature. They all turned out different. One batch of cookies was made using a healthy alternative (chickpea base).
Hartney Sr. Student Council held a “Movember” moustache contest on Friday, November 29. The mustache could be real, drawn on, stuck on or whatever they liked. Student Council members went around to judge the K-6 students, then the grades 7-12’s
7-12 Participants
K – 6 Winners
Calista S was the winner of the 7-12’s. Student council is going to donate all of Friday’s candy sales to the Movember fund in her name.
The Peer Support Team spoke to the elementary students and got them to fill out a cup on how they can be kind to others and themselves.
Welcome to our newest students - the Kindergarten class of 2024-25, with their teacher, Mrs. Mantell.
(One student missing)
Grade 6 students studied the moon phases by making models with Oreo cookies!
The Student/Staff Golf Tournament was held on September 26 at the Hartney Golf Course. Champions were Mr. Ardron, Jase A, Hudson B and Landon C
Mrs. Sunaert's Team