Hartney School strives to provide a school atmosphere that helps students feel welcome, cared for and important as individuals. The cooperation of staff, students and parents is necessary to ensure a safe orderly environment for learning. This Code of Conduct is designed to help all members.
Have the right to expect that . . .
All staff will treat them with courtesy, consistecy and fairness.
Clear, relevant lessons will be presented, along with explanations for the evaluation procedures to be used.
They will be able to work in a school atmosphere which is safe, pleasant, orderly, respectful, and conducive to learning.
School personnel will be accessible for extra help concerning courses, assignments, remedial assistance, personal decisions, and other school matters.
Teachers will prepare for class and mark and return assignments promptly.
School administrators will monitor programs and instruction in the school.
They will be able to participate in a wide range of activities.
Will be responsible for . . .
Respecting their own and other’s rights to an education.
Taking pride in their work, their appearance and their accomplishments.
Working to the best of his/her ability making the most of educational opportunities through active classroom participation and involvement in other school activities
Attending school regularly and on time.
Being prepared for all classes by bringing required materials and completed homework assignments.
Any work missed due to absence.
Developing self-discipline, showing courtesy for all people in the school community and respecting property. Disagreements should be settled in a fair, nonviolent way through discussion or by seeking assistance from school staff. CONSEQUENCES FOR ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR
Daily recognition of positive behavior will be made verbally by classroom teachers, administration and playground supervisors. Classroom teachers will set up their own system for recognizing positive behavior in their own classroom.
To behave in a respectful manner and comply with the School Code of Conduct
Have the right to expect that . . .
Parents/Guardians/Students will treat them with respect.
Students will attend classes regularly and on time, with homework assignments completed, and with appropriate materials.
Students’ behaviour will promote a positive learning environment.
They will have the positive assistance and cooperation of students. They will have the support of parents and colleagues in the performance of their duties.
Everyone associated with the school will be treated with courtesy.
Students will observe all school rules of conduct.
Will be responsible for . . .
Behaving in a arespectful manner and comply with the school code of conduct.
Planning, teaching, and supervising assigned courses.
Establishing and maintaining a learning environment which is pleasant, orderly, respectful and conducive to students’ learning.
Evaluating student achievement and explaining the evaluation procedures to be used in each course.
Communicating information about student progress, attendance, and behavior to students, parents, and administration.
Providing an environment that will promote self esteem.
Treating students fairly and consistently.
Providing role models in establishing a positive tone in the school.
Ensuring that students are referred to appropriate special services when necessary.
Have the right to expect that . . .
Teachers will inform parents/guardians regularly of the attendance, behaviour and academic achievement of their child in school.
Teachers will provide effective instruction for students, display enthusiasm for learning and show respect for others and property.
Staff will enforce the Code of Conduct.
Administrators will exhibit leadership, provide support, and monitor programs and instruction in the school.
Reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of students to and from school, and while in school.
Will be responsible for . . .
Providing role models in order to establish positive values concerning achievement as well as respect for fellow students, school personnel, and property.
Regularly discussing school matters.
Ensuring regular and punctual attendance and completion of all school assignments.
Contacting the school when their child will be absent.
Contacting the school if there are areas of affirmation and concern.
Attending school events and meetings when possible, and giving positive support to the school.
Cooperating fully with teachers and other school/division employees to ensure their child complies with the school/division discipline and behaviour management policies and the school’s code of conduct.
Hartney Handbook 2024-2025
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